Appropriation for Edward Figgins.
Senate Bill No. 246
To reimburse Edward Figgins for the loss of a canal boat in the year 1863 by fire.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That there be, and hereby is, appropriated out of any moneys to the credit of the general revenue fund in the state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two hundred and twenty dollars, without interest, in full liquidation of his claim to reimburse Edward Figgins, of Nelsonville, Athens county, Ohio, for a canal boat burned in 1863, at the time of Morgan's raid through Ohio; said Morgan's men having burned said boat; said boat having been engaged in the transportation of Union soldiers on their way to Athens to join the Union army, Morgan's men having burned the boat in order to prevent its further use in this cause. The auditor of state is hereby authorized and required, upon the taking effect of this act, to draw his warrant upon the state treasurer, payable to Edward Figgins, for the sum of money thus appropriated.
Section 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
President of the Senate.
Passed April 26, 1898. 217G
Source: Ohio, Ohio General Assembly, Ohio Secretary of State, Acts of the State of Ohio (N. Willis, printer to the state, 1898), 295. Available online at:
Supporting information: Morgan's Raid was the only major attack by Confederate forces on the State of Ohio during the American Civil War. You can read about it here:, and on Wikipedia here:
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