Thursday, January 3, 2013

Gersham FIGGINS and Maggie WARNER Marriage Record

PARTIES: Figgins Gershom W. and Wagner Maggie. License issued the 24th day of August A.D. 1889, to the above named parties. Wm. S. Wilson, Probate Judge.

AFFIDAVIT: The State of Ohio, Athens County, ss. Gershom W. Figgins having made application for a license for himself and miss maggie wagner, and geing duly sworn, says that he is of the age of twenty-one years, and has no wife living, and that Maggie is of the age of seventeen years, father consent on file, a resident of said county, and has no husband living, and that said parties are not nearer kin than second cousins. Signed G.W. Figgins. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 24 day of August A.D. 1889. Signed Wm. S. Wilson, Probate Judge.

RETURN: The State of Ohio, Athens County, ss. On the 27 day of August A.D. 1889 I solemnized the marriage of Gershom W. Figgins with Miss maggie Wagner. Signed Geo. W. Banes, MG. Returned and filed 29 day of Aug A.D. 1889. Signed Wm. S. Wilson.

Eddie FIGGINS Birth Record

Record of Births, Probate Court (blank) County, Ohio, 189(blank), page 50. Figgins, Eddie: 4 September 1894; Place of birth: Ohio, Athens, Nelsonville; Gender: Female; Color: White; Father King D. Figgins; Mother Ella Andrews; Residence of parents: Nelsonville.

Eddie FIGGINS Death Record

Name:     Eddie Figgins
Gender:     Male
Burial Date:    
Burial Place:    
Death Date:     07 Sep 1894
Death Place:     Nelsonville, Athens, Ohio
Birth Date:    
Birthplace:     Ohio
Race:     White
Marital Status:     Single
Spouse's Name:    
Father's Name:    
Father's Birthplace:    
Mother's Name:    
Mother's Birthplace:    
Indexing Project (Batch) Number:     B07037-8
System Origin:     Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number:     311616
Reference Number:     Pg. 47

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Van Loren ARNOLD and Margaret DRAIN Marriage Record & Return

Parties: VanLoren Arnold and Margaret Drain. Licence issued the 23rd day of December A.D. 1892, to the above named parties. Signed A.S. Bethel, Probate Judge.

Affidavit: The State of Ohio, Athens County, ss. George W. Arnold, having made application for a licence for Vanloren Arnold and Margret Drain, and being duly sworn, says that Vanloren Arnold is of the age of twenty-one years, and has no wife living, and that Margret Drain is of the age of eighteen years, a resident of said County, and has no husband living, and that said parties are not nearer kin than second cousins. Signed George W. Arnold. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23rd day of December A.D. 1892. Signed A.S. Bethel, Probate Judge.

Return: The State of Ohio, Athens County, ss. On the 24th day of December A.D. 1892 I solemnized the marriage of Vanloren Arnold with Margaret Drain. Signed S.R. Lowry, Justice of the Peace. Returned and filed 3rd day of February A.D. 1892. Signed A.S. Bethel, Probate Judge.

Daniel Marion ARNOLD and Electa DRAIN Marriage Record and Return

Parties: Daniel M. Arnold and Electa Draine; License issued the 13th day of February AD 1891 to the above named parties. George Kaler, Probate Judge.

Affidavit, the State of Ohio, Athens County, ss. George W. Arnold, having made application for a License for Daniel M. Arnold and Electa Draine, and being duly sworn, says that Daniel M. Arnold is of the age of twenty-one years and has no wife living, and that Electa Draine is of the age of eighteen years, and is a resident of said County, and has no husband living, and that said parties are not nearer kin than second cousins. George w. Arnold, his mark. Attest: A.F. Callahan, George Kaler. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of February AD 1891, George Kaler, Probate Judge.

Return, the State of Ohio, Athens County, ss. On the 13th day of February AD 1891, I solemnized the Marriage of Daniel M. Arnold with Electa Draine. P.B. Wilson, J.P. Returned and filed on this 3rd day of March AD 1891, George Kaler, Probate Judge.

Headstone Ruena MATHENY ARNOLD

ARNOLD: Ruena, wife of Geo. W. Arnold 1838-1926. Asbury Methodist Church Cemetery (Hocking, Ohio). 

Photo from

Headstone James & Mabel ARNOLD

ARNOLD: James W. 1863-1943 and Mabelle 1879-1922. Asbury Cemetery, Methodist Church (Hocking, Ohio) monumental inscription.

Photo from